
Helping post menopausal women drop body fat and tone up WITHOUT extreme workouts WHILE eating food they love AND feeling on top of the world ALL in 90 days!

GetMoreFit-Simplified specifically helps mid-life women drop body fat and tone up WITHOUT extreme workouts WHILE eating food they love AND feeling on top of the world!

We begin this journey by helping each woman find her FIVE favorite proteins to incorporate into their daily diet.

Next we help each female learn about and choose her favorite carbohydrates that are low glycemic and help balance blood sugar.

Then we help each female become more mobile in the three major joints of the body with mobility movements and intentions to create more space in the shoulder joints, hip joints, and knee joints so that when they begin strength training, the range of motion is at its best and creates even more strength without extra effort!

A strong benefit of this program is that becoming protein and low glycemic focused balances blood sugar and decreases inflammation in the body which allows for greater range of motion, strength and overall health of the blood.

Hands down, at this point, women feel so ON TOP OF THE WORLD that new habits are easy to keep!

As women continue this journey they’re increasing LBM (lean body mass or muscle tissue) and see a rise in the base metabolism, allowing them to burn more calories even while sleeping!

EMPOWERED is how women describe their daily feels.  Empowered to accomplish anything they might have previously called on for help.


When you sign up, you’ll receive access to the GetMoreFit-Simplified program and it’s 12 Modules which cover a 90 day period. 

This program introduces lifelong changes and helps you understand that life isn't always perfect. It teaches you how to achieve success and maintain your body composition, even during challenging times.

The FIRST FOUR WEEKS you’ll concentrate on benchmarks (taking measurements for progress, setting up logging app, journal) and getting started on daily data!

You’ll be learning a lot during this time of logging data.  You’ll be learning about mindset and how your future self pulls you in the direction of the future you want!

The SECOND FOUR WEEKS we begin to discuss the data you’ve logged.  Why it’s counterproductive to always have a deficit of caloric intake.  How to manage the deficit for FAT LOSS not weight loss.  How more often than not, “weight loss” is muscle loss.  We want to remember that the only way to have a higher metabolism is to retain and gain muscle tissue!  Muscle tissue takes up half the space as fat tissue, which is why we NEVER use just the scale as a guide.

The THIRD FOUR WEEKS we master fat loss.  We work a little more diligently on the correct caloric intake along with the activity caloric output.  We find YOUR MAINTENANCE!  Your maintenance is your WIN!  It’s where you’ll live happily ever after because NO ONE should be trying to lose weight all the time.  

During these 12 weeks, you’ll have access to the BLTraining Fitness App for mobility and strength training.  This is also where you’ll add your physical benchmarks.  

You’ll have weekly GROUP Coaching sessions inside the Facebook group as well as two individual one on one sessions for discussion and/or physical training per month.  

You’ll have access to FREE protein focused breakfast meals, Low Glycemic foods lists, continuous support by email, group, messaging apps.

Science proves that low glycemic carbohydrates allow the body immediate energy without spiking blood sugar, thereby, reducing inflammation and creating overall better health and free moving joints.  Finding foods YOU LOVE that are low glycemic and blood sugar balancing is key to a lifelong healthy mind and body.


I am excited to bring you this program.  Almost 20 years ago, this very program is what brought me from a 38” belly to a 32” belly by changing my eating, not eating less.  I have NEVER  dieted in my life.  I have only changed what I eat.  To this day, I eat according to my activity.

I became a fitness instructor first, 18 years ago. and upon realizing the amazing changes I could make with myself I chose to become a personal trainer where I could dive deeper into helping individuals personally.  I have been self-employed for over 12 years now.  It’s been the greatest choice of my life because of the impact I’ve had on my children and those around me.

My dream come true is mastering this program to help thousands of women master belly fat and feel great strength while eating real food they love, without dieting, without pills or patches or medication.

I have taken courses through the American Council on Exercise, Dr. Stacy Sims, The Brookbush Institute and countless other professional classes and courses every year.  My education never stops.  I am most passionate while learning.  I began my journey at the local YMCA for six years and then ventured out on my own.

10 of my current clients have been with me for my entire self employed journey and while I never expected to have consistent clients of this nature (I wanted to share with thousands) I have had an amazing experience that I could not have had any other way.

I’ve watched my clients age and grow.  I’ve watched each client change as the years go on, this way I get to see what a new client will need in their journey’s future.  It’s a gift/benefit I never expected to experience, but it has allowed me the greatest knowledge of all…what we do today either adds to our end days or takes away.

Here are a few things I can tell you…

Every client at age 70 wishes they’d started sooner but recognizes the value of moving not only freely but strongly at 70 means they’ll be doing great at 80 and 90!

Each client that starts at 40 has the easiest journey at 70.

Each client that starts at 50 saves themselves a lot of back tracking.

Each client that starts at 60 is super thankful to have something to focus on during retirement.

The cost of working with the GetMoreFit-Simplified program will add multiple times the quality of life to your days as well as add days to your life!

Meet Andrea

Andrea has lost over 18# and more than 5% body fat since the first time I measured her.

She spent time in plateaus here and there as she struggled with the belief that eating more could help lose fat.

As she became more coachable this past winter, I coached her to eat closer to 2500-3000 calories based on her physical activity of pickleball, shooting competitions and strength training, she lost 10# just last winter season as a result of eating more calories.

Andrea is 65 and the most fit and strong that I've ever witnessed her to be!

Meet Janice

Janice has lost over 30# and a whole lot of inches!

When Janice came to me she was full of achy knees and stiff shoulders and needing better balance!

Her A1c was brought down to 6.9 just from eating more and exercising. She was able to reduce some of her medication and she's gained more muscle than I think she realizes.

Janice was eating about 600 calories on average with a bit of overeating here and there when she could handle more food.

Once I convinced her to add protein to her diet, she began to feel the strength arrive. This motivated her to raise her calories as I suggested. We began with about 1000 calories, then slowly worked up to 1200 on a more regular basis and now she's eating a wonderful 1600-2000 and we've been on a positive role of continually building muscle mass as she's started using the big rack!

Janice no longer has achy knees! Her blood work is better, she carries her own salt bags, and she can walk about five times or more the distance she did before she came to me.

Janice is flourishing at 75!

MY STORY - Brenda L. Lewis

My journey almost 20 years ago. I was a single mom of four children all under the age of 10.

I was still quite heavy and when a friend offered to teach me how to teach fitness classes,

I oddly said yes!

I'd never in my life stepped into a gym or fitness class.

I had been physically active and loved playing backyard sports

but had never once "exercised" in my life!

The first year I lost weight and got strong.

I lost weight everywhere EXCEPT the belly.

This is because of PRE DIABETES and severe INSULIN RESISTANCE.

So the next year I made changes. The same ones you will make inside this program.

I taught myself how to eat low glycemic.

That means eating WITHOUT spiking your blood sugar!

The more balanced your blood sugar remains, the healthier your BLOOD will be!

I lost over 5" off my belly in four months plus another 10 plus pounds.

These choices added years onto my life.