Are you a whiner?
Whining comes from mismatched expectations, from loneliness and from weakness. Whining is a hard-wired way to ask for connection and empathy. - from Seth Godin's email today.
He's not wrong. I've watched myself over the years.
I see it on certain posts. I hear it from clients. I STILL desire to do it about certain subjects.
When we take time to "understand" why people are people, it's a little easier to get through.
To let it go.
Some people really struggle with humanness.
I may not like how you do somethnig. But I understand that your blueprint has you down a different life pattern than me.
Much like Two-Gun Crowley believed he was kind hearted and would never hurt anyon who didn't deserve it.
He truly believed so.
Whether you and I think he was crazy doesn't matter. He lived his life believing this was right.
What you believe about yourself deep down, with unspoken words and only mental images, IS IMPORTANT!
Whether it mathces my impression of you or not, it matches what you expect.!
We have work to do on ourselves!
Myself included!
Every time I hear or feel myself wanting to whine, whether I do it or not, I still take a moment to ask myself...why? Why do I desire to whine about this?