3 SMALL changes for SUSTAINABLE fat loss
For years I've watched people aim to make large changes to reduce belly fat only to bounce back and gain more. We all know someone by now who's done exaclty that. Maybe even you! It's a struggle.
The number one cause of belly fat in today's world is insulin resistance. Also called metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance leads to prediabetes which leads to Type 2 Diabetes.
Most people live in insulin resistance for years before they're told they should go on medication.
Insulin resistance is the body's struggle to "listen and do" what insulin is telling it to do. When the body becomes resistant to insulin, the body stores glucose as fat instead of shoving the glucose into the muscle cell where it belongs.
Repeated spiking of our blood sugar is what causes our cells to become insulin resistant. Spiking of our blood sugar happens when we eat processed food and extra sugars and fat.
Over time we begin to crave this blood sugar spike and so we eat something to raise our blood sugar again and often it plummets so low that not long after we will crave again, repeating the awful cycle.
Making large changes can rebound more often than not, so I am here to share the top 3 SMALL changes for SUSTAINABLE fat loss that will get you on the road to less belly fat and a stronger body.
With that said, here are 3 SMALL CHANGES you can make now, be consistent in changing them for life and reap the rewards of less bellyfat, more strength!
Every time you snack or eat a meal, choose the protein item first. Eat the protein first, then the carbs and fat. If there is no protein, eat the fat first. Fat might cause the carbs to digest slower. The faster the carb is digested and reaches the blood stream, the higher the blood sugar could spike. The slower the digestion of carb and into the blood stream the slower and lower the blood sugar might raise.
Here’s why we want to eat the protein first…
Proteins are made up of amino acids. There are 20 amino acid profiles and 9 we can NOT make ourselves so we MUST GET from our food. Those 9 are essential! We must get them from our food.
Why do we need amino acids? Because they are LIFE. They make life happen. Did you know that it takes 53 amino acids to make one INSULIN molecule? Insulin is a HORMONE and it is made of amino acids.
WE NEED amino acids floating around our body ALL DAY LONG! Especially post menopausal women!
Amino acids are what our immune system uses to keep us healthy and not sick.
Amino acids help make happy hormones, the HUNDREDS of hormonal processes for male and female REQUIRE amino acids.
So, PROTEIN first!
2. 30-50g protein BREAKFAST daily
After reading number 1, I don’t think I need to express why having 30-50 grams of protein at breakfast is idea! Do I need to express it? Ok, I will!
Breakfast is the start of our day. Our metabolism needs a boost of fuel for the movement and thinking it’s about to do all day. When your body starts its day with enough amino acids to make all the right hormones and enzymes for all the feel good, complex thinking and hard work we’re about to do, it will do it all 50% better!
Just over 12 years ago I read a study that divided two groups of people, one group ate no breakfast or had a sugary breakfast and the other group had 30 grams of protein at breakfast and lunch and the group that had 30-50g of protein at breakfast and lunch had 50% more protein synthesis all day long!
Protein synthesis is LIFE processes. It’s how our brain grows, our bones, our digestion, our thinking, our stomach acid, ALL of what our body does it needs the proteins to make it all work.
So get your 30 grams or more of protein at breakfast to start! I promise, your day will run so much smoother!
Make sure your protein is easily digestible for your body!
Movement economy for your body is not unlike movement economy for your car. When your car is tuned up and running well it gets great gas mileage and has less wear and tear.
Same with your body. When it’s tuned up, it runs well (great metabolism) and has less wear and tear!
My most favorite thing to do is teach people how to sit, stand and walk as if they never knew how. As humans, we tend to find slouchy rhythms to spend our time in and then never notice that it’s causing wear and tear on joints and tissue, let alone NOT BURNING as many calories as we should because we’re not using muscle tissue that we should be using!
The confidence that one gains by learning to sit, stand and walk with the muscles they forgot they had is AMAZING!
The calories burned are awesome as well.
So, in the world of less belly fat, you have 3 SMALL changes you can make NOW on a regular basis for LIFE that will help you burn more calories and store less belly fat and keep you moving strong. You’ll FEEL thinner in the belly before you ARE thinner in the belly.
It’s important to keep measuring progress and keep notes on what makes your belly bloated and what makes it feel less bloated and what foods actually left you feeling thin.
Start these new lifestyle habits NOW and continue for 30 days. Send me an email HERE and tell me how it’s going! I’d love to know.
These are habits that the MOST fit people do and ones I also teach all my clients, from 30 years to 86 years.
It’s NEVER not helped my clients feel better, drop bodyfat and tone up!
Brenda L. Lewis, is a transformational trainer focused on helping clients move better so they feel better, in essence, getting people more fit than they are!