My FAT LOSS journey WITHOUT Dietinging

My FAT LOSS journey WITHOUT Dietinging

How I lost body fat without dieting ...more

Health and Fitness ,Weight Management

February 03, 20251 min read

NASAL breathing IS FAT burning

NASAL breathing IS FAT burning

Nasal breathing is fat burning ...more

Health and Fitness ,Fitness Quality of Life &Weight Management

December 03, 20241 min read

Are you healthy?

Are you healthy?

Are you healthy? What is healthy? ...more

Quality of Life ,Weight Management

November 27, 20242 min read

Are You a Whiner?

Are You a Whiner?

Whining comes from mismatched expectations, from loneliness and from weakness. Whining is a hard-wired way to ask for connection and empathy. - from Seth Godin's email today. ...more

Self Development

November 18, 20241 min read

How to indulge this holiday season

How to indulge this holiday season

Your #1 TIP to avoid Holiday Weight GAIN! ...more

nutrition ,Health and Fitness Quality of Life &Weight Management

November 15, 20243 min read

Train to Build Muscle… or Exercise to Burn Fat?

Train to Build Muscle… or Exercise to Burn Fat?

What's the best health first approach to a fit body, healthy body? ...more

nutrition ,Health and Fitness &Quality of Life

November 10, 20242 min read