Fat Loss Plan
Here's what you get:
FREE access to the 28 Day Protein Powered Plate
60 Days plus of low glycemic education
Access to the Facebook group for accountability
Access to the 60 day course with weekly homework
Free access to leaders for any and all questions
Free recipes, food suggestions and access to answers
Consistent feedback on your progress and direction
Total value: $1437
Today Just $449
"Best purchase ever!"
"Since I started with Brenda, I can honestly say I am healthier than I was 30 years ago. I am no longer on a statin, I am very active, I have gained tons of mobility, I am really toning up and I've lost about 45 pounds following her direction."
- Dr. Andrea van der Laan
What is the 60 Day Low Glycemic Fat Loss Plan
See testimonies - below
The 60 day plan is a sustainable, health first approach to fat loss and weight management helping to reverse insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes and helps to retain muscle mass for an optimal functioning metabolism.
The 60 day plan helps clients become protein focused, incorporating whole food low glycemic carbohydrates for balanced blood sugar all day long while helping to reduce, if not remove cravings for highly processed foods.
This plan not only helps clients to retain muscle mass while working on fat loss, it is also sustainable and highly suitable for adding strength training for optimal longevity throughout life!
What are Low Glycemic Carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are one of three macro nutrients that provide calories to the human body.
Protein, fat and carbohydrates are the only three things that provide calories.
Nothing else provides calories to the human body.
Glycemia is the sugar in our blood.
Our blood sugar should remain balanced at about 5.
Many processed foods raise our blood sugar fast and high.
This is called high blood sugar and often it’s high enough to be considered a “spike” which is around 140 when testing blood sugar at home.
Foods(carbs) are typically rated as low glycemic, medium glycemic, and high glycemic.
Eating a diet in low glycemic carbohydrates can help manage blood sugar levels and reduce belly fat.
Eating a diet in high glycemic carbohydrates often can cause extra belly fat due to high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.
Learning more about your own blood sugar is important to managing your health.
Low glycemic carbohydrate examples are:
Black beans
Kidney beans
Ezekiel bread
All fruit ending in berry
All leafy greens
Root veggies
Brown Rice
Foods cooked al dente are typically lower glycemic.
I have found, in all my years of teaching this and in my own life, the more balanced my blood sugar the less I experience cravings if at all anymore!
I focus on fast digesting proteins and slow digesting carbs.
Making sure I spread my low glycemic carbs throughout the day prevents even the slightest blood sugar drops which helps to prevent cravings or desires for sweets and highly processed foods.
This means that for 6 months following your completion of the 60 Day program, you'll remain inside to get your FREE 6 months CALORIC COACHING.
Mastering caloric intake for specific goals takes time!
I'm giving you that time because I know you'll have even more success!
"I'm down 2" in my belly"
"I wanted to let you know I'm down 2 inches in my belly and 1 inch in my hips. My energy is so so much better than before I started!! My confidence that I can actually do this is growing as well."
- DL
"I don't even want it"
"I'm not writing this for praise, I'm writing it because I'm amazed. I had an overnight oats shake for dinner. I had it packed, didn't want to waste it, and didn't want to eat junk food on my trip. We just stopped at Culver's so the dance girls can get dinner. I don't even want it. We have at least a 3 hr drive home, so I just mixed a protein shake for when I feel a little hungry during the drive. Normally l'd be craving a mushroom Swiss burger, but it doesn't even sound good right now"
- TT
"I'm not craving at all"
"I’m truly doing well with the sweets, I’m not craving at all."
- SD
"Your insights and experience make me want to keep doing better with my health"
"I enjoyed the 28 days of protein focus mainly because it was not about removing anything from my diet, which always backfires on me. You made the entire process positive and encouraging, there was never blame or shame when I did not meet the protein goal for a day. You shared a lot of information about nutrition, not just the protein information. Your insights and experience make me want to keep doing better with my health. Thank you for sharing yourself and your knowledge!"
- EH
"I have been pleased to see how easy it is..."
"I have been pleased to see how easy it is to get enough muscle supporting protein in my diet and now make it my first move of the day. It has been interesting to see how creative other members have been in their menus. Thanks everyone!"
- CH
"I feel so much better since starting..."
"I feel so much better since starting the protein program! Starting with a protein shake starts my day of on the right foot, and I’m not going to change that. Brenda breaks the plan down in ways that are easy to understand, even for a life long junk food junkie like me. Every change I’ve made so far is easily maintainable long term, and I’m excited to see what other changes I’ll make during the next program!"
- TT